Vital Farms.

The Ask - Vital Farms aims to enhance brand recognition and reach a wider audience with its message of organic, ethically produced eggs.

What Does the Egg Industry Look Like?

Eggs are a commodity - a basic staple that's easily substituted. In a market where every brand looks and sounds the same, there's no clear edge.

“Egg cartons are the most confusing of any livestock products.” (Confused at the grocery store? Here’s how to decode your egg label.)

Egg labels like "cage-free" and "free-range" often mislead, with unclear standards and inconsistent living conditions, leaving consumers confused. The Washington Post

  • Egg brands communicate primarily through their labels and certifications, emphasizing messages of happy hens, healthy eggs, and a sustainable planet.

    1. Farm Fresh – Implies freshness, but lacks specific meaning or regulation.

    2. All Natural – Often used to suggest quality, though most eggs are naturally occurring.

    3. Cage-Free – Suggests humane treatment but doesn’t guarantee access to outdoors.

    4. Free-Range – Often implies hens roam freely, but access to the outdoors can be minimal.

    5. Hormone-Free – Misleading since hormone use is banned in U.S. poultry production.

    6. Locally Sourced – Suggests sustainability but doesn’t guarantee quality or humane practices.

    7. Omega-3 Enriched – Marketed as healthier, but enrichment levels may vary widely.

    8. Happy Hens– Anthropomorphizes hens to evoke emotional appeal without concrete proof.

    9. Non-GMO: Hens are fed non-GMO feed but doesn’t address living conditions or welfare.

Our Task - To make Vital Farms stand out, we must highlight a unique intrinsic feature of eggs that establishes unparalleled credibility and fosters an irreplaceable association with the brand.

Problem: Consumers are "certification fatigued," skeptical and confused of repetitive health and quality claims.

Insight: The more claims consumers see, the less credible they seem.

Advantage: Vital Farms’ pasture-raised hens produce rich, flavorful, and nutritious eggs.

Strategy: True quality is experienced, not sold.

Thought Process -

What is an egg? A basic, interchangeable kitchen staple. The challenge: how to stand out in such a common category? The answer: be distinctive with a strong visual identity and differentiate by highlighting the brand's unique qualities.

How Are We Different?

Vital Farms’ are Certified Humane” and their Pasture-Raised Hens “ enjoy at least four acres of lush pasture, daily outdoor access, and expert care. They roam freely, foraging, dust-bathing, and enjoying a “salad and exercise” lifestyle. This results in richer, tastier, and more nutritious eggs.

Pasture raised eggs had the largest sales growth in 2023 at an impressive 37 percent.

How Can We Be Distinctive?

Own The Yolk.

The farm-to-table movement elevated eggs' image, with vibrant orange-red yolks symbolizing quality from pasture raised hens. These colors tap into food psychology, stimulating hunger and passion, making them irresistible.

Campaign Idea - “Get Oranged.”

Vital Farms makes choosing organic eggs easy, no labels required, just a rich golden yolk, that speaks for itself.

    • Encourage users to share photos or videos of their vibrant egg dishes featuring rich, orange yolks.

    • Use hashtags like #GetOranged and offer prizes for the most creative or appetizing entries.

    • Partner with influencers or chefs to amplify the campaign.

    • Create short videos showcasing the journey of eggs from pasture to plate, focusing on the hens’ care, their outdoor lifestyle, and the superior quality of the yolks.

    • Collaborate with chefs to develop exclusive recipes that highlight the flavor and richness of the yolks.

    • Launch a digital recipe book called "Get Oranged: Cooking with Sunshine."

    • A series of posts debunking myths about egg labels, emphasizing what makes pasture-raised eggs unique.

    • Combine with a tagline: "Get Oranged with the Facts."


American Seafood Council

